Ancient Orthodoxy
Ancient Orthodox culture was widely represented among the Russian and Tatar population until the Russian Revolution (1917) and continued to exist until the 50s of the XX century, despite the wholesale extermination of Orthodox priests. The old-timers still remember how they fought the hysterics - the priests who made hails in cemeteries to incarnate the souls of deceased relatives into the children of the Family.
We use the term " Ancient Orthodoxy" to separate the Orthodoxy that was in Russia from Christian Orthodoxy, with which the old word is now strongly associated. And, to be precise, the "Orthodox" (PravoSlavny) is the person who lives according to the principles of the gods of Prav’(Rule) and Slav’(Glory), because Orthodoxy is not just a set of beliefs for mystical contemplation, but a cultural layer of knowledge and practices that led a person to spiritual development and education.
The very word "Russia" (ancient Ra-sia or Ra-siyayschi/Ra-shining) indicates the existence of the god Ra. Other words also confirm this fact: "culture" (kultura) - cult-Ra, "tomorrow" (zavtra – zavet-Ra) -the testament of Ra, "faith" (vera – vedat’-Ra) - to know Ra - only from the etymology of these words can we conclude that Ra was a Russian and even a pan-European god.
Many other words that have the component "Ra" speak of their divine original meaning. For example, "work" (rabotat’) - "botat’" is now in jargon and means "talk". That is, "to work" - to talk about RA or talk about light or even produce light. Note that now the word "work" (rabota) is reduced etymologically to the word "slave", that is, to perform actions in captivity. How the semantics of a word changes when you understand the true meaning of the word!
The Lord Ra headed the European Pantheon of gods, and in the recent past he was worshiped by all of Europe, then not yet divided into many states and countries. This was the Orthodox culture, which we now call Ancient Orthodoxy.
Russian Chronicles
In Russian chronicles, the name of the god Rarog is found, in which it is easy to see the god Ra, and the root "rog" (rock - fate) is associated with time. In addition, if we recall that the main river of Russia, the Volga, was called Ra, then this convinces the correctness of our conclusion. A large number of researchers tie many other words in Russian with the root Ra, indicating their identity with the Sun.
Let us give an example indicated by N.E. Belyakova in her article "The Names of the Russian Sun": "Rassvet" (Dawn) - the light of Ra, "Rano" (Early) - the beginning of Ra, "Raduga" (rainbow) – The arc of Ra, “Radost’” (joy) - Ra will give it, “Ratusha” (town hall) - Ra soul (Ra-dusha) - the building of the city councils, "Rat’" (army) - the gods of Ra. As the Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea wrote, "the Slavs do not have a state, all the laws are in their heads," that is, they were ruled not by people, but by God - Ra.

Birchbark letters
Decoding of the Russian birch bark letters, made with features and cuts, G.S. Grinevich repeatedly came across the phrase "we are the sons of Ra." Moreover, deciphering the Yenisei inscription on the slab of the Uzun-oba burial mound on the Uybat River in Khakassia, which, as it turned out, was written in Old Russian script, he discovered that the Turks also had a culture (writing) identical to the Slavs and also worshiped the god Ra, which once again confirms that the Turkic and Russian cultures were once inseparable.
Archaeological excavations in the Kyiv region near the village of Shumsky showed that before the Vladimir reform of faith, the Russian Pantheon included 12 main gods. The Vedas call the same number of supreme heavenly gods - Adityas. 12 statues of gods were installed in ancient Greece on the forum. The younger Edda mentions 12 aces-gods living in heavenly Asgard. The number 12 is the number of months in a year. The oldest religious beliefs confirm our conclusions about what our former culture was like, and also explain the reason for its extermination.

Russian culture is a deeply religious and magical culture, which allowed people to master miraculous skills. We will try to give a few fundamental theses that will give a general idea of the philosophy and worldview of our ancestors.
Religion. The word "religion" consists of the prefix "re" (repetition) and the syllable "liga" (union). In other words, religion used to be a system of knowledge that allowed a person to re-unite with their former lives (!). This was done through work with subtle bodies. Each period lasted 4 years - a stage (hence the word "student"). The meaning of "religion" was to restore the knowledge accumulated by the soul in previous incarnations and not to go through everything again in a new body. Where did you see a "religion" today that restores this knowledge?There are none. In our days you are ordered to be born, to live and then transport into the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, the meaning of modern religions is to close access to past lives and send you "illiterate" to the next world. And then, as they say, "as God wills." The ritual that allowed connecting with the past lives was called "swisch" (hence the word swischennik (priest) in Russian). We can translate it as a fistula (in Russian they have the same root word) is a breakdown in space, which helped a living body to get connected with subtle bodies. Ask a modern priest about the etymology of the word "priest" and you will baffle him.
Therefore, we can say that religion in its modern sense did not exist before. In comparison with us, our ancestors were absolutely not religious people, but people with philosophy, knowledge of real physics, metaphysics,alchemy and chemistry and etc. And no grandpas in Heaven.They created egregors or a pantheon of gods with their own psycho-emotional energy to control and rule the world.
Who was God in the understanding of our ancestors? Gods, like life, are capable of self-emergence, although this is impossible if approached from the point of view of modern theology. In general, modern theology has tabooed the very idea of reasoning about divine origin. For many people there is a Godfather with white beard in heaven, so believe in him, the rest is not the subject of your mind - this is how we can simplify the approach for theogenesis.
What would be the definition of god in terms of understanding our ancestors the concept of God? It was a conglomerates of similar human thoughts, psycho-fields, egregors (aggregates - old), astral-mental formations become a force that people perceive as God. If massive outbursts of mental energy give structure and functions to an aggregate (as our ancestors did), then such an aggregate turns into an active BEING with divine capabilities, that controls events in society and determines the evolution of life on Earth.
Our ancestors created the divine Pantheon (groups of gods) to control fate, destiny and nature and to create necessary events and phenomenas. The world was ruled by the laws of Trivia (the name "trivial" remained), which created everything around us. It was a library of knowledge that gave supernatural powers to its adherents. Please note that the modern science that came to replace Trivia only reveals the knowledge and the laws of nature as they call it now. With the help of divine attributes, our ancestors ruled the world and created it the way they wanted to see it. Now we are ordered only to observe and not to involve into knowledge that would show the real structure of the world or nature. "Pray and beg from your God, maybe something will work out" - this is how popular modern theological thought sounds now.
Monotheism or polytheism. In the Old Testament of the Bible in Exodus 20:3-6 we read "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me...". This text formed the basis of monotheism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, the text itself implies the presence of other gods and the claim of Jehovah (Yahweh/Elloah) is, as we would say today, "unfair competition." The world has always been based on polytheism, just as now there are a huge number of egregors in the world.
Еhe exclusivity declaration stops your followers to be interested in the abilities of other competitors. Which has been masterfully performed over the past thousand years. The result of monotheism is slavery, impoverishment, injustice, and other "benefits" of the autocracy, which migrated from religion to the social structure of states.
Paganism. The 19th century was marked by the fact that it finally planted paganism around the world instead of Ancient Orthodoxy. After all, a pagan is one who addresses God with the help of the tongue. In Russian a pagan is "yazichnik" and the tongue is "yazik" (same root words). Now tell me, is there a non-pagan religion in the modern world from this rational point of view? No. Paganism, which was planted everywhere, destroyed the figurative consciousness of a person, just as education (in Russian "obrazovanie" [obraza vayanie] image sculpting) also disappeared. Although any person can develop it by concentrating on one point in space until he sees the place of his concentration in a new way. Modern paganism excludes all forms of subjective vision and knowledge. Only the written text plays a role for the modern pagan.
How did it happen?
Nihilism. A doctrine formed in the 19th century by Friedrich Jacobi, Soren Kierkegaard, which questioned generally accepted values, ideals, moral standards, fundamental concepts, etc. When the first nihilists began to oppose gods (!) to each other, people lost their divine abilities. When people were forced to switch to arable farming instead of sound (oral) farming, people lost connection with the nature and no longer understood it. When people switched to the monkey form of relationships, they began to deny the right of another person to their own opinion, the ability to telepathy (thoughts reading) disappeared, because you can understand another person only by accepting him (by loving we attract his thoughts).
Well, when a person began to deny everything in general, except for his current opinion, the integrity of thinking and consciousness disappeared. The struggle with ancient culture was reflected in the new words. For example, the word "freak" (urod in Russian) arose when there was a struggle with the god Rod (god responsible for family ancestry). The word "ugly" (bezobrazny in Russian) appeared when there was a struggle to give the gods an image (obraz in Russian) so that they could no longer turn into anyone, because if a single image is given to a god, this means depriving him of his strength. The reign of nihilism allowed the invaders to achieve several goals:
- The unsuccessful struggle against popular folklore about devils, demons, kikimors, goblins, lasted more than a hundred years and was headed by the "enlightened nobility", was finally marked by success. They were abolished by the nihilists as non-existent.
- After the Russian revolution of 1917, people were convinced that Russian folklore was fiction. This allowed the conquerors to launch an extermination campaign against "fictitious" devils, kikimors, mermaids, iblises, goblins, volots, goblins, who actually inhabited the Siberia, with the help of the so-called "Semenov gangs" that operated from the beginning of the revolution until the sixties of the XX century .
- Exclude from "science" any form of subjective vision and knowledge. Even the Cossacks, who were able not only to speak, but also to communicate telepathically (kazat' - in Russian), eventually became complete pagans at the beginning of the 20th century, in other words, they began to use sound language as a means of communication. The victory of nihilism and paganism allowed the invaders of the Earth to carefully erase Ancient Orthodoxy and magical Russian culture, rewriting the folklore and history of earthlings.
Astrology also inherited the ancient beliefs of Ancient Orthodoxy. In ancient times the date of birth was used to calculate person's real name and to determine his patron gods, his life purpose and mission on Earth. Astrology was banned for a long time and remained a dead science due to people's loss of sensitivity to subtle biological and cosmic influences, however, it is a complete worldview system inherited from our ancients. By the way, the word "metrics" remains, which every person used to have, but now many do not understand why to know exactly the hour and minute of birth.Therefore, we also consider astrology as an indirect confirmation of the ancient system of knowledge of our ancestors.
Modern mathematics has always surprised me with the "geometry" section. Why on earth do I need to learn the sine or cosine of an angle? Where it is used in building a house, cooking or in the process of childbirth. Do you know that geometry was banned for a long time, until it was "cleaned up" and made only for a balancing act of the mind. But the etymology of the word "geometry" speaks for itself: Ga-I-Metria - measuring your own paths.
And now everything falls into place. The sine is a function that affects the divine aggregates, the cosine (kazuz - events) - on the events around us. Therefore, our ancestors knew well how to use these calculations, just as we now know as we discover these ancient concepts. Why was it banned? Because it allowed our ancestors to program their future. And this is strictly prohibited by our invaders, but guessing on coffee grounds - train as much as you like!
Divinity of the number 4. The gods of the ancient Pantheon were divided into 4 groups of Gods according to the elements: earth, water, air and fire. In this classification, it is easy to see the modern division according to the state of matter: solid (earth), liquid (water), gaseous (air) and plasma (fire). The number 4 is present in many modern studies. There are only 4 types of animal tissues discovered that are morphologically different from each other: connective, muscular, nervous and integumentary. Also, in the morphology of plants, biologists were able to distinguish only four types of plant tissues: formative, basic, protective and conductive.
In psychology, only four types of human temperament, known since antiquity, are distinguished: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic. In serology, four blood groups are clearly distinguished. In genetics, four types of nucleotides have been found that make up chromosomal DNA: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. In physiology, four types of instinct are distinguished: self-preservation, sexual, territorial and food. So, we see that in various fields of knowledge, researchers independently singled out four main primary elements, which confirmed the fundamental nature of the law of the four elements.
The invaders of the Earth did everything to destroy the connection of man with the ancient gods (egregors). And now most people adhere to atheistic views, like animals in this respect, which do not even suspect the existence of gods. On the other hand, this is also a sign that the historical DNA of a earthling opposes these religious obscurantism and goes into a state of agnosticism just not to get in touch with an alien egregor.
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